Why is Tian’anmen Square Special?
Tiananmen Square is located at the center of Beijing City. It is named after the Tiananmen Gate (Gate of Heavenly Peace) located to its North, which separates it from the Forbidden City. Covering an area of 440,000 square meters, Tian’anmen Square is the second largest city square in the world. It is no doubt a must-see place during your visit in Beijing.
Tian’anmen Square Highlights
Tiananmen Tower
Tiananmen Tower is located at the north end of the square. It was first constructed in 1417 during the Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D. - 1644 A.D.) and was served as the front door of the Forbidden City. During the ancient times, Tiananmen Tower was the place to declare in a big ceremony to the common people who became the emperor and who became the empress. Until 1911 when the last feudal kingdom was over, no one could enter the Tower except for the royal family and aristocrats.
At the north end of the Square is Tiananmen Tower. Initially built in 1417 during the Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D. - 1644 A.D.), the Square was the front door of the Forbidden City. The most important use of it in the past was to declare in a big ceremony to the common people who became the emperor and who became the empress. Until 1911 when the last feudal kingdom was over, no one could enter the Tower except for the royal family and aristocrats.
Monument to People's Heroes
The granite Monument to the People's Heroes is just at the center of the Tiananmen Square. Built in 1952, it is the largest monument in China's history. 'The People's Heroes are Immortal' written by Chairman Mao is engraved on the monument. Eight unusually large relief sculptures show to the people the development of Chinese modern history. Two rows of white marble railings enclose the monument, simple and beautiful.
Great Hall of the People
West of the Square is the Great Hall of the People. This building, erected in 1959, is the site of the China National People's Congress meetings and provides an impressive site for other political and diplomatic activities. Twelve marble posts are in front of the Hall which has three parts--the Central Hall, the Great Auditorium and a Banqueting Hall. The floor of the Central Hall is paved with marble and crystal lamps hang from the ceiling. The Great Auditorium behind the Central Hall seats 10,000. The Banqueting Hall is a huge hall with 5,000 seats.
Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao
Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao is at the south side of the Square. This Hall is divided into three halls and our dear Chairman Mao's body lies in a crystal coffin in one of the halls surrounded by fresh bouquets of various famous flowers and grasses.
National Museum of China
Another important place for the tourist to visit is the China National Museum at the east side of the Square. It just came into existence in 2003 and is a combination of Chinese History Museum and Chinese Revolutionary Museum. This National Museum faces the Great Hall of the People. Inside the Chinese Revolutionary Museum are a lot of material objects, pictures, books and models to present the development of modern China. The Chinese History Museum shows a large number of cultural relics illustrating the long history and glorious culture of China from 1,700,000 years ago to 1921 when the last emperor left the throne.
Flag-Raising Ceremony
Five Star Red Flag-the Chinese national flag, flies high in the sky above the Square. To see the guard of honor raise the Flag is a must for the tourist visiting Beijing City. You have to get up very early and arrive at the Square before sunrise. Only by doing so can you see the ceremony clearly as there are crowds of people attending the ceremony every day.
Why is Tian’anmen Square Special?
Tiananmen Square is located at the center of Beijing City. It is named after the Tiananmen Gate (Gate of Heavenly Peace) located to its North, which separates it from the Forbidden City. Covering an area of 440,000 square meters, Tian’anmen Square is the second largest city square in the world. It is no doubt a must-see place during your visit in Beijing.
Tian’anmen Square Highlights
Tiananmen Tower
Tiananmen Tower is located at the north end of the square. It was first constructed in 1417 during the Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D. - 1644 A.D.) and was served as the front door of the Forbidden City. During the ancient times, Tiananmen Tower was the place to declare in a big ceremony to the common people who became the emperor and who became the empress. Until 1911 when the last feudal kingdom was over, no one could enter the Tower except for the royal family and aristocrats.
At the north end of the Square is Tiananmen Tower. Initially built in 1417 during the Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D. - 1644 A.D.), the Square was the front door of the Forbidden City. The most important use of it in the past was to declare in a big ceremony to the common people who became the emperor and who became the empress. Until 1911 when the last feudal kingdom was over, no one could enter the Tower except for the royal family and aristocrats.
Monument to People's Heroes
The granite Monument to the People's Heroes is just at the center of the Tiananmen Square. Built in 1952, it is the largest monument in China's history. 'The People's Heroes are Immortal' written by Chairman Mao is engraved on the monument. Eight unusually large relief sculptures show to the people the development of Chinese modern history. Two rows of white marble railings enclose the monument, simple and beautiful.
Great Hall of the People
West of the Square is the Great Hall of the People. This building, erected in 1959, is the site of the China National People's Congress meetings and provides an impressive site for other political and diplomatic activities. Twelve marble posts are in front of the Hall which has three parts--the Central Hall, the Great Auditorium and a Banqueting Hall. The floor of the Central Hall is paved with marble and crystal lamps hang from the ceiling. The Great Auditorium behind the Central Hall seats 10,000. The Banqueting Hall is a huge hall with 5,000 seats.
Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao
Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao is at the south side of the Square. This Hall is divided into three halls and our dear Chairman Mao's body lies in a crystal coffin in one of the halls surrounded by fresh bouquets of various famous flowers and grasses.
National Museum of China
Another important place for the tourist to visit is the China National Museum at the east side of the Square. It just came into existence in 2003 and is a combination of Chinese History Museum and Chinese Revolutionary Museum. This National Museum faces the Great Hall of the People. Inside the Chinese Revolutionary Museum are a lot of material objects, pictures, books and models to present the development of modern China. The Chinese History Museum shows a large number of cultural relics illustrating the long history and glorious culture of China from 1,700,000 years ago to 1921 when the last emperor left the throne.
Flag-Raising Ceremony
Five Star Red Flag-the Chinese national flag, flies high in the sky above the Square. To see the guard of honor raise the Flag is a must for the tourist visiting Beijing City. You have to get up very early and arrive at the Square before sunrise. Only by doing so can you see the ceremony clearly as there are crowds of people attending the ceremony every day.

Pourquoi la Place Tian'anmen est-elle spéciale?
La Place Tian'anmen est située au centre de la ville de Beijing. Il porte le nom de la porte Tiananmen située au nord, qui la sépare de la Cité interdite. Couvrant une superficie de 440 000 mètres carrés, la Place Tian'anmen est la deuxième plus grande place de la ville au monde. C'est sans aucun doute un lieu incontournable lors de votre visite à Pékin.
Faits saillants de la Place Tian'anmen
- La Tour Tian'anmen
La Tour Tian'anmen est située à l'extrémité nord de la place. Il a été construit pour la première fois en 1417 pendant la dynastie Ming (1368 - 1644 après J.-C.) et servait de porte d'entrée à la Cité interdite. Dans les temps anciens, la Tour Tian'anmen était le lieu à déclarer lors d'une grande cérémonie au peuple qui devint l'empereur et qui devint l'impératrice. Jusqu'en 1911, lorsque le dernier royaume féodal était terminé, personne ne pouvait entrer dans la Tour, à l'exception de la famille royale et des aristocrates.
- Monument aux Héros du Peuple
Le Monument de granit aux Héros du Peuple se situe au centre de la Place Tian'anmen. Construit en 1952, il s'agit du plus grand monument de l'histoire de la Chine. "Les Héros du Peuple sont Immortels" écrit par le président Mao est gravé sur le monument. Huit grandes sculptures en relief inhabituelles montrent au peuple le développement de l'histoire moderne chinoise. Deux rangées de balustrades en marbre blanc entourent le monument, simple et beau.
- Grand Hall du Peuple
À l'ouest de la place se trouve le Grand Hall du Peuple. Ce bâtiment, construit en 1959, est le site des réunions du Congrès National du Peuple Chinois et constitue un site impressionnant pour d'autres activités politiques et diplomatiques. Douze poteaux en marbre se trouvent devant le Hall qui comprend trois parties: le Hall Central, le Grand Auditorium et la Salle de Banquet. Le sol du Hall Central est pavé de marbre et les lampes en cristal sont suspendues au plafond. Le Grand Auditorium derrière le Hall Central peut accueillir 10 000 personnes. La Salle de Banquets est une immense salle de 5 000 places.
- Salle Commémorative du Président Mao
La Salle Commémorative du Président Mao se trouve du côté sud de la Place. Cette Salle est divisée en trois salles et le corps de notre cher Président Mao repose dans un cercueil de cristal dans l'une des salles, entouré de bouquets de fleurs et d'herbes célèbres.
- Musée National de Chine
Le Musée National de Chine, situé du côté est de la place, est un autre lieu important pour les touristes. Il vient juste d'être créé en 2003 et combine le Musée de l'Histoire Chinoise et le Musée de la Révolution Chinoise. Ce Musée National fait face au Grand Hall du Peuple. Dans le Musée de la Révolution Chinoise se trouvent de nombreux objets matériels, images, livres et modèles pour présenter le développement de la Chine moderne. Le Musée de l'Histoire Chinoise présente un grand nombre de reliques culturelles illustrant la longue histoire et la culture glorieuse de la Chine d'il y a 1 700 000 ans à 1921, date à laquelle le dernier empereur a quitté le trône.
-Cérémonie de Lever du Drapeau
Drapeau Rouge à Cinq Etoiles - le drapeau national de Chine, vole haut dans le ciel au-dessus de la Place. Voir la garde d'honneur lever le drapeau est un must pour le touriste visitant la ville de Beijing. Il faut se lever très tôt et arriver sur la place avant le lever du soleil. Ce n'est qu'ainsi que vous pourrez voir la cérémonie clairement, car il y a une foule de personnes qui assistent à la cérémonie tous les jours.